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We were created to survive and those who seek to destroy humanity with a robotic system devoid of soul (God in man), devoid of creativity, devoid of conscience, devoid of the spark of life itself and seek to destroy humanity will fail. This video will explain how we survive.

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Benjamin Netanyahu
You have many in back of you but they see you for what you are - a man who spent his last years betraying himself, his country, and all of humanity. Those who support you do so through fear, quest for power and knowing that should they bring your government down, they would surely die along with those they love and wish to protect.

Anyone who understands what happened at the beginning knows that Israel pulled off a false flag operation in which it killed its own people in order to to enrage a public which was lied to so that you and your cohort could commit one of the worse genocides in the history of humanity,

Those you did not kill, you made suffer, and worst of all lose their children. All that you hope to achieve will be for naught. Such evil feeds on itself until it disappears into nothingness and is forgotten.
No other individual connected with nor any individual who is connected with me in any way has knowledge of this post January 17 2024

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BE WELL POST Critical new information on nano technology someone in your family should see.

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November 26 2023 NEW MESSAGE

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It is almost impossible for many to believe that we may have been set up. It is inconceivable to believe that the slaughter of the residents of our own communities along the border with Gaza was a false flag operation - a killing of our own people - men, women and children in the most horrible way so that the map presented at the United Nations just 2 weeks earlier showing Israel from the river to the sea totally cleared of the two Arabic communities- Gaza and the West Bank. We say that Israel could not have done something like that against its own citizens.

I look with dismay at the facts below which can led to only one conclusion - a false flag operation staged to get the entire population of the country to such a rage of revenge that it would justify the total destruction of Gaza and a genocide. The false flag operation, the wanton and horrific murder of our own people (over one thousand men, women and children) in a number of Israeli communities, coming suddenly without their knowledge,, photographing and shown on TV to justify exacting a terrible revenge on Hamas and the total population of Gaza.

False flag operations have been staged throughout history by nations and groups on their own people, or against their own interests in order to blame someone else. In many cases, these operations have led to genocide. Yes you say, it happened elsewhere, but not here, not now.

Then why continue to press a point which if true can only lead to worse consequences then has already occurred? Because if enough people realize the terrible truth, it can stop what is taking place, and bring the perpetrators and those carrying the majority of the blame to trial.

It can halt the continuation of a genocide which if allowed to continue could cause the murder of innocent peoples in both our communities and potentially all of us, given the reaction of the rest of the world.

By continuing our retribution, we are building resistance of the world community against us. One wrong move will be too much and we will be in the crosshairs of a truly horrible retribution,We will continue to bear the consequences of our actions way into the future

We must be strong enough to face the power of those who control us for this short time in our history. And the rest of the world will celebrate us and help both our communities to rebuild.

Evil in one part of the community has a way of spreading and infecting other parts of society. To be a pariah in the history of the world never bodes well for a people.


Please give the logical reasons for the following.

Within the last two years, personal weapons held by IDf members who had finished their active service recalled. I asked two reservists why this had taken place in a country under constant threat from its neighbors. I did not receive a convincing answer. In a country in a constant confrontation with a potential enemy, this made no sense. But, there must have been a logical reason for a tradition which had been in existence singe the establishment of the nation. This must be true particularly for those along the borders of Gaza and the West Bank. this must be of grave concern.

2. I have heard that in its place, armories were established in each community along the border with Gaza. Any time there was need for protection, weapons could be withdrawn. However, I heard that within two days of the invasion from Gaza, the armories were removed. Who could have done this and why?

3. Hamas was created by Israel to counter Arafat. How much control does Israel have over the current leader of Hamas?

4. Since the creation of Gaza, the communities bordering the Gaza strip have had a system of electronic monitoring unmatched elsewhere in the world However within two days of the invasion of Hamas into the communities, ,the monitoring team was removed from their posts and placed along the border of the West Bank, leaving the Gaza border totally open. We were shown that the border fencing was breached by explosions, and even by a tractor which cleared one of the entry points. There was no reaction from Israel. How is this possible?

5. As the residents of the communities realized they were under attack, hundreds of cell phone distress signals must have gone out, but for some reason fell on deaf ears.

6. There had always been a unit of IDF housed within each of or a majority of the communities. But they had all been removed, and placed somewhere along the West Bank. This is particularly puzzling since within the two weeks preceding the incursion, Egypt had warned Israel of a possible invasion from Gaza, which on the attack met basically no resistance.

7. And to the despair of everyone, it took literally six to seven hours for IDF forces to show up - a country in which the IDF is probably the most trained, best equipped and timely responsive force on earth.

8. The festival of young with over 1000 in attendance was moved from its original location shortly before the invasion to a point near one of the entry points of the invading Hamas forces.


WHY had these communities been stripped of every defense which had been present in their long history?

As a nation, as a people, we must find the answer to these questions. In our continuing to ignore or call conspiracy theory we condemn ourselves to our own destruction.

We must face the terrible truth as a nation, as a people, and correct what has been done behind our back, in our name,

This is not the Israel most of us believe in.

We must stand up and call for justice.


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November 14 2023

It has become apparent to many that what was told to us about Oct 7 was not quite right

It took a long time for the IDF to respond. HOURS - this is not possible.
A border that was all but impenetrable for many years had been broken, not just at one point but along its full extent, and had been breached with impunity because there were no monitoring crew on duty to sound the alarm.
The IDF combat units in each community along the border were just not there to protect the citizens.
A plane and a landing craft bringing parachutists and fully armed combatants had somehow penetrated our land and sea reconnaissance. Impossible

The communities all along the border were absolutely unprotected.

For some, there has been the realization that one of the the worst tragedy we have experienced as a nation was somehow an inside job. That our forces had been ordered to stand down.

And we started bombing without regard for civilian casualties and our leaders were telling our sons and daughters in uniform that there was no limit to what could be done - to commit war crimes and lose our soul - when we entered the war zone on the ground..

We have been set up. Many of our own people have been sacrificed in the most horrible way, and now we will be sacrificing our own sons and daughters in a still to come ground invasion with the possibility of using gas to clear the tunnels.

We must stop killing women and children.
We must stop killing our own sons and daughters in uniform.
We must stop this drive to pit the whole world against us


Even those who want a complete Israel must realize that WE HAVE BEEN SET UP.

Regardless of what we have to protect ourselves against a world that is growing in resolve against us, we are being led to destruction -

October 30 2023


We have a right to know.
If we have a leader who may be one of the more capable men on the globe saying that he didn't know what was going on - that our intelligence services were doing something of which he had no knowledge, we need a new leader
The Israeli public has a right to know how many of our sons and daughters are coming back in body bags. We need to know how many war crimes are being created in our name - why we are being led down the blueberry, rosemary... primrose path to our own destruction.
We were psyoped into thinking that there was only one solution, and that was to bomb without mercy, and invade a small piece of land which in fact was under our full control at all times, until we were led to believe that only through total destruction could we 'rest in peace'. And that is exacting what we are being led to, in a very short period of time.
We are one of the most powerful military forces on earth, we have some of the sharpest minds on the planet, We have (soon to be had) one of the greatest economies in the world.
And our government is wiping that all out.
We believe in God who created man in his own image - the greatest life form anywhere in the universe. And we are watching ourselves being surrounded by other nations who now wish out total erasure from the planet.
Oh God, give us the strength to take back what we are doing - to tell the world that we have made a horrible tragic mistake - that we want nothing but peace, to help all those who are struggling with life, with their governments, to live a full and wonderful life on this - the greatest planet to live on in love and mercy - to fully enjoy what God has given to us.
In God's name I pray.




My purpose in writing this is to question the major narrative, to hopefully inspire people to do their own research, and draw their own conclusions. I want Israel to survive, and it may not if it enters Gaza with a massive ground force.

I am writing this as opinion so as not to compromise anyone else. Therefore, I have not included the references which I sometimes give as to the authenticity of what has occurred in Israel which has caused fear and rage in the Israeli population. This is in reaction to the events which took place on September 7 in Israeli communities along the border with Gaza.

There are a number of questions which arise regarding the unimpeded entrance of a brutal Gazan force into the Israeli agricultural communities along the border of Gaza, and the mass slaughter of men, women and children.

This is written with a heavy heart. For me, Israel is my adopted home. On a flight many years ago to London from Zambia where I had been teaching sociology, the flight stopped over in Israel. We were told over the loud speaker that this was an overnight stopover and we were to return the next day to continue the journey. I did not continue the flight and know that I will never leave Israel. I have lived here for 47 years among Israel's loving and giving people.

We have been told by our media and the government that we were invaded by Hamas, the ruling party in Gaza wishing our total annihilation. Hamas fighters broke into communities sitting on the border of Gaza. and slaughtered their inhabitants, men, women and children without any warning.

How could this have happened in one of the most heavily monitored and secure borders in the world? There are some voices calling it a false flag operation, which is defined as an operation or incident carried out against one's own interests in order to obtain a desired result in the end. Militarily this often means the sacrifice of one's own people or resources.

How do I know this? I don't. But there are many indications that over a thousand Israeli community residents were killed to justify carpet bombing of military and civilian infrastructure in northern Gaza, and the buildup of a massive ground invasion force on its borders.

There are a number of facts which do not add up about the initial entry into Israel communities by Hamas terrorists and the ensuing cold blooded murder of Israeli civilians.

1. A number of military analysts worldwide have determined that for Israel, having perhaps the best defense and monitoring capabilities globally, would have to have given an order to its military units to stand down in order for the Gazan combatants to come through one of the most secure borders in the world.

I assume that the size of the resident IDF combatant forces present in each community would not be known, but would be sufficient and strategically placed to insure maximum protection against any entrance into the community from Gaza. The same would be true of the monitoring technology and the monitoring teams of the barrier fence between Gaza and Israel. Even a small animal coming close to the border would be picked up and would elicit instant reaction. The presence of a bulldozer which took out parts of the border fence allowing the invading forces to enter unimpeded would not have been possible without almost instant air force or ground confrontation. From what I have heard, the unimpeded entry across this border was perhaps the most unlikely occurrence in the the world, as testified by previous attempts at incursion.

2. There was the incursion of parachutists and motorized paragliders. The fact that the paragliders and parachutists landed together at the same time would only mean that the aircraft which brought them had come very close to the coast, or even over the tland area of Gaza. This would have been highly unlikely given a highly sensitive air defense system. What are the possibilities?

3. There were no IDF soldiers in the communities during the initial invasion and there weres no monitoring alarms. This means that not only had all the Israeli security and monitoring forces been ordered to stand down but that they had actually been transferred out of the area leaving a border which had been uninterruptedly guarded for years totally defenseless. They had to have been removed completely from all of the communities shortly before the incursion or they would have been the first casualties. They were not the first casualties because they were not present.

A very sad communication from a woman siting in a corner of a back room with her child. She said that her husband had rushed outside with a gun to defend the community. Someone was trying to break down the door to the room, and she hoped the IDF would come to rescue her within moments, but they did not come. She said with determination that she was holding a knife. Then the phone went silent.

4. The control and precision exhibited by the Gazan force, the training that they would have had to go through had to have taken place in another country or even closer to home. The training, equipment. methods used, and the murderous capability of these men could never have been done in Gaza without it coming to the knowledge of Israel. This was training which included aircraft, an option which would not likely have been envisioned by the Hamas leadership. This is also true of those who came ashore together with weapons which would have had to come by boat undetected by a highly secure coastline.

5 This terrorist operation was being photographed and distributed to the public - how, who, and for what reason?

6 Hundreds up to a thousand young people were attending an event celebrating nature and freedom on the day of the invasion.The event had apparently been moved shortly before from a previous safe destination to an area along the border of Gaza which placed them in the direct path of the invading Gazan forces.

7. As I understand, several years ago, there had been a recall of all combat weapons held by private citizens who had completed a mandatory number of years in the armed forces of Israel. This left the civilian population utterly defenseless against any incursion by a foreign power. This was in direct contravention to previous policies which had been in existence, for many years.

8. Even with the lull in the firing of rockets into Israel by Hamas, there have been sporadic sirens and interceptions by the Iron Dome in a number of communities as far as the vicinity of Tel Aviv. Of the some up to 5,000 rockets about 99 percent of then were intercepted by the iron dome including activation of the experimental laser system, or fell into the sea. In other words, of inconsequential military significance. Why then continue to expose your ground firing position to almost instant targeting? .

The Hamas leadership may want the invasion. Not only will their civilian population suffer almost total extermination, but Israel will lose a large portion of its invading force due to the significant number of Hamas fighters who have survived the bombing campaign in the labyrinth of tunnels under much of Gaza. Israel has requested bunker busting bombs from the United States presumably because of the unknown extent of the underground tunnels under Gaza and the extent of the military force still present in Gaza.

9..It is my opinion that the unprovoked attack was fully planned and carried out by Israel's top leadership, and the full cooperation by the top ranks of Hamas. There was no surprise at the highest levels. But the brutality and the total surprise of the attack to the general population of Israel, produced a rage reaction of revenge which knows no bounds, and has produced the justification for carrying out what amounts to a genocide of the people of Gaza. The innocent victims in the border communities, the carpet bombing of northern Gaza, the massing of thousands of our youth of military age and reservists at the border of Gaza waiting to invade as a ground force, and potentially the whole of the Israeli population are in fact sacrificial lambs in this psyop. We must stop its further implementation, or we may all be sacrificed in the ensuing massive retaliation from the global community. Was the attack planned in order to justify an incursion into the Gaza Strip to wipe out its Palestinian presence and reclaim the area for Israel? In doing so, they are condemning a large part or the entire Israeli population, their own people, to be wiped out by multiple attacks from other nations, up to the real possibility of multiple nuclear strikes which could wipe Israel off the map in a world war which could decimate the entire planet. And now, Israel has amassed an incursion force of some 350,000 along the Gaza border to enter with all the international laws of warfare off the table, to commit mass war crimes and kill not only Hamas, but the entire civilian population. The top leadership of Israel is willing to sacrifice thousands upon thousands of its own to actuallu justify its horrendous attack. I weep for us and for all of mankind.


Note: when I first came to Israel many years ago, I received a message from on high instructing me to go to the Wesstern Wall on the Temple Mount and receive a blessing. At the Wall, I gathered a number of highly religious men around me, and following instructions, I had partially disrobed when I was thrown to the ground and dragged out of the area by a policeman who stopped when I said 'Enough', and arrested me. I spent the night in a small jail close to the Temple Mount and was released on my recognizance the next morning to my daughter to await a trial date. On the date of the trial, I drove alone to the court in Jerusalem. The policeman who had arrested me was there with members of his family ,and said that he was on vacation. I apologized for having pulled him from his vacation, and he very nicely accepted my apology. The court trial commenced. After hearing both sides, I was released without sentencing by the judge. I drove back home to Tel Aviv.


How to express what needs to be said. To describe the way forward to the establishment of God's kingdom on earth and the entire physical universe If we wait much longer, we (humans), created in the image of God, together with all l life as each individual expresses itself fully according to its form and function, possessing soul, consciousness, conscience and presence on the physical plane will no longer be present.

We are headed to this end:

This is not a philosophical text, open for discussion.This is a call to halt a genocide ongoing at this very moment. It is a call to action. It is a call to bring those involved in its continuation on both sides to realize what they are doing and to save their own people. It is for God to make that decision and not ourselves regardless of our grievances,

When as a combatant combating evil, to look at your own brethren in the face and basically tell them 'All limits are off' is to condemn them to death. So too, the supreme leader of a people, to plan and justify transferring monitors and all protections from a border with an enemy to allow its unfettered incursion to destroy his own people.

Do you not comprehend the gravity of your actions? You are the leader of a great nation under God - the greatest nation, in its short life in this incantation, in its power and creativity on the physical plane reaching to the ends of existence both seen and unseen. oh God, please come sooner. We face a cabal of leaders who are bent on destroying an enemy using carpet bombing and a ground invasion including tanks when confronted with the environment, combatants and trapped civilian population is sheer idiocy, calculated to maximize death on both sides, combatants and the innocent. We are playing this deadly game bereft of understanding and are moving with blinders on,with no discrimination, as conducted by those who have no reason, cannot see possible consequences, but only the heightened possibility of their own demise, as promulgated by a leader who has a death wish, and is taking his people with him. Repentance from the depth of the soul is the only salvation.

Oh God, save us from ourselves.
Oh God, come soon to usher in your kingdom on earth- You who have control of the past present and future. If worldwide all those who will remain will ask from the heart and soul that He come sooner in order to reduce the pain and suffering and death in this end time,
He will hear and He will come.


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